Tuesday, July 28, 2015

10 PowerShell hot pedaling in your Exchange environment

As one Arrentino saying "How are you"?
Staff, the footprint here is as follows; put 10 hot commands for you streamline your daily tasks.
come on:
# 01 - Test-MAPIConnectivity -Identity EMAILDOUSUARIO@DOMINIO.COM | fl
This command being positive ensures that system services, such as Managed Folder Assistant and OWA able to successfully access the mailbox in question, it also brings that server information is located Database and the user's Mailbox. Bears the name of the Mailbox and the coolest, brings Latency. Not to mention that the camando also shows you the status.
# 02 - Get-MailboxDatabaseCopyStatus * | where {$ _ eq ContentIndexState "Failed".}
This is maniero Pakas Mermão. The more show this command is that it shows you which Databases are with the millennium bug's in the Index. Likes? It has more Mermão.
# 03 - Get-MailboxDatabaseCopyStatus * | where {$ _. ContentIndexState -eq "Failed"} | Update-MailboxDatabaseCopy -CatalogOnly
Recalls that the tip # 02 I said I had more? Command that you identified which Databases are with Millennium Bug in the Index, right? It is Mermão, now you correct. Is not it beautiful?
# 04 - Get-MailboxServer | fl name
Get-ClientAccessServer | fl name
Get-TransportServer | fl name
The above commands list the servers of their respective functions. Convenient and fast as well.
# 05 - Get-MailboxDatabase -Status | ft name, last -auto *
Get that is supimpa. The crazy list the status of the last backup (Full / incremental / copy) of databases.
# 06 - Move-ActiveMailboxDatabase NOMEDODATABASE -ActivateOnServer SERVERNAME -Confirm: $ false
Command to move mailbox.
# 07 - Get-Mailbox -Identity CONTADOUSUARIO | Get-MailboxPermission | fl
It happens sometimes, users report that they are receiving pop up asking for password. This command checks the access permissions.
# 08 - New-MoveRequest -identify CONTADOUSUARIO -TargetDatabase DATABASENAME -BadItemLimit 50 -AcceptLargeDataLoss
Comandinho supimpa to move users. And an environment that there are several rules that comanado Database is very useful.
# 09 - Get-MailboxServer -identity NOMEDOSERVERMAILBOX | Get-MailboxDatabase | where {$ _ name -match "NOMEDATABASE."} | Get-Mailbox
Cool command that shows users on the database.
# 10 - Get-Mailbox -identity EMAILDOUSUARIO@DOMINIO.COM | Select-Object Alias ​​| foreach-object {Get-MailboxFolderStatistics -Identity $ _ alias | select-object Identity, ItemsInFolder, FolderSize.}
This command is to close with a flourish. Get this shows all your folders created in your mailbox, items in your folder and the size of each.

I hope these tips to accelerate everyday tasks. Soon we will bring the TOP 10 PowerShell for Active Directory.

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