Several people question me in training, what better way to study for a good performance in tests of certificação.Este is a very particular point of each, since each person has different ways of absorbing information.
In this sense, I can pass safely which is the way I prepare for exams, so each can use the way you see fit.
What we now start to put in mind is that the issues of proof are different from the actual experience we have with the product in "real life", which often causes the failure of experienced consultants.
When I study for a Microsoft certification exam, the first step is to verify the matter of proof, this can be easily checked on site examinations CatalogMicrosoft.Uma information from this catalog is very interesting that it shows how each procentagem issue in the race! And that's pretty cool so we can focus on more important matters.
The material I recommend for study, is the Training Kit from Microsoft (which is a publication focused on the examination). This material includes all matter of proof, beyond the material in digital format and simulated.
I also use other information sources such as the Internet, the official website of the product, TechNet, expert blogs, help the product, video lectures ,laboratories , training etc ... The official attendance is very important (especially if the instructor is good) and greatly accelerate the understanding of matter, the official course material (MOC) provides a base on products, making it almost always necessary to consult another source to supplement the information.
After the study and general understanding of the issues covered in the test (thetime required for the study of matter, directly depends on the time devoted to this study X the ability to absorb information), it is time to put their knowledge to the test through simulados.Is important to "train" the simulated, then we can have a closer experience of the test (timing, interface, etc.).
Beware DUMP's ... I'm not going to dwell on the subject, because I already expressed my opinion about it . The simulations are to recommend theTranscender , the next in-Training Kit (Self-Paced) and any other simulated honest.
The technique I use with simulated is as follows ...
... I'm answering the questions for practice, no doubt about that meeting in question, I return to study materials (mentioned above) in order to find the answer to the question of simulated and only then respond to the simulated exhaustively questão.Pratique to achieve greater than 85% correct on the issues (of course this time may also vary according to your commitment and willingness to studies) ... after that, just go to prove!
Good luck to everyone!
Soon I will write some techniques to do well at test time!
I hope this is helpful!!
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