Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Hyper-V error "User HAD not accepted the EULA"

These days I came across an error in Hyper-V installed on a server Windows Server 2008.A error "User not HAD accepted the EULA" appears on the console's initial Hyper-V and it was not possible to create virtual machines, errors MMC, compatibility of processors, etc ....


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Microsoft Certification-Tips and tricks in the hour of exam!

It is almost the rule in all courses I teach, the questions regarding the tips to have a good use in the race. ... So I decided to post some tips for a better use of the test without studying certificação.Claro that the tips will not be worth the nothing! And my tips are not rules, over time, each in its own way develops a strategy to perform the tests.

Previously, I posted other tips related to the certification process ...

Microsoft Certification - Where to start?
Microsoft Certification - Dumps
Microsoft Certification - How to study for the exam!

... And soon, I will surely post more! Rss

Now, let's get to! Below are some tips for the hour of trial:

  • Choose from the center of evidence:
    • The choice of the center is proof enough importante.Prefira testing centers with few machines, so we can limit the amount of people in one room, reducing the chance of those candidates who are talking boring, and "thinking out loud." In the case of centers of tests with many machines (5 or more), look for unpopular times such as weekends in the morning, etc.. (Usually the center of evidence can you tell how many candidates are going to prove in your schedule.).
    • Choose the testing centers whose place of application of evidence, is reserved and with little fuss or not to take away your concentration.
  • Arrive before the scheduled test:
    • Arrive at the center of events, well in advance to start the race with ease, without running, so you arrive, having a coffee, go to the bathroom, finally gets ready physically and mentally, for the hour of trial.
  • Research before the race:
    • Before the examination starts, go through an assessment of knowledge and experience on the platform and conteúdo.Desde or product involved in the time of the NT that has a legend that if you score the lowest in this study, evidence has been less aggressive in content rss ... .... I do not know if this is real, but as my modesty prevents me from pointing out the highest levels of expertise and experience, always follow this tip! rs
  • During the test:
    • VERY IMPORTANT for the duration of the test: BE QUIET! I've seen many candidates who studied hard and the hours of proof of purely psychological disarray did not have a good use, so avoid the "white".
    • Do not waste time with questions that are not sure of the answers, mark it for review and answer the next!
    • Pay attention to the question, there are clues to the person (s) response (s) right (s):
      • Attention at the beginning of the issues where we have information regarding the versions of operating systems and network topology and domains.
      • Note also in requesting the questão.Muitas times are given information not relevant to the question, just to confuse the candidato.Cuidado expressions as smaller enforce administrative solution faster, more secure solution, finally, calls attention to what really question.
      • If the idea does not answer a question, go ahead and mark it for revisão.Na review, analyze better the question in order to undo some of the answers, so maybe it is easier to account for elimination!

These are simple tips that can help in times of trial, especially those just starting out in certificação.No is more than just studying you'll be fine!

I hope it's useful!

Last Send Message

Follow link for the script that lists the date of the last message sent by the recipients! Very useful especially to find inactive objects.

Just run in PS, select your Hub-Transport's range and date.

Virtual Machine Manager error 19999

I had one problem that presented for the SCVMM error opening the console gerenciamento.Como is not enough, the service "Virtual Machine Manager" entered the state of restart (because of the recovery actions in the service properties).

In Event Viewer, I found the following errors:

ID 2604

Database operation failed.
Ensures that the SQL Server is running and configured Correctly, and try the operation again.

ID 19999

Virtual Machine Manager (vmmservice: 8300) has encountered an error and needed to exit the process. Windows generated an error report with the Following Parameters:
Event: VMM20
P1 (appName): vmmservice
P2 (appVersion): 2.0.4271.0
P3 (assemblyName): Utils
P4 (assemblyVer): 2.0.4276.0
P5 (methodName): MVDSqlRetryCommand.ExecuteNonQuery
P6 (ExceptionType): MVDB.NonFatalDbException
P7 (callstackHash): 3e7

The problem in my case it was caused by authentication problems was that the database on a SQL Server SCVMM separado.Os services were running with the LOCAL SYSTEM account ... is necessary in this case, creating a service account, apply rights to that account and specify the database to perform the same services.

Remote Connectivity Analyzer

This URL is in the Toolbox Exchange Server 2010. ...

A good site to have to Favorites:

We are offering Z1br recovery service bases...

We (Z1br) offering recovery service corrupted Exchange databases. ... When the ESEUTIL and isinteg does not work, it's always good to have a letter (Z1br) up his sleeve! Contact

ExchangeStoreDB ID 123


Follow the link to problem solving in catalog corrupted members of DAG in Exchange Server 2010. The error occurs at the time of activation of the database in another member of the DAG.

I hope it's useful!

Exchange Network Port Reference

Follow the link for all ports used by Exchange 2007 and 2010:

Default permissions of the Sysvol folder

They follow a standard NTFS permissions of the SYSVOL folder:

% SystemRoot% \ Windows \ Sysvol

  • Clear the Allow inheritable permissions from parent to propagate to this object check box
  • Administrators: Full Control
  • Authenticated Users: Read, Read & Execute, List Folder Contents and
  • Creator Owner: Nothing selected
  • Server Operators: Read, Read & Execute, List Folder Contents and
  • System: Full Control

% SystemRoot% \ Windows \ Sysvol \ Sysvol

  • Clear the Allow inheritable permissions from parent to propagate to this object check box

% SystemRoot% \ Winnt \ Sysvol \ Sysvol \ domain

  • Clear the Allow inheritable permissions from parent to propagate to this object check box

% SystemRoot% \ Winnt \ Sysvol \ Sysvol \ domain \ Policies

  • Clear the Allow inheritable permissions from parent to propagate to this object check box
  • Administrators: Full Control
  • Authenticated Users: Read, Read & Execute, List Folder Contents and
  • Creator Owner: Nothing selected
  • Group Policy Creator Owners: Read, Read & Execute, List Folder Contents, Modify, and Write
  • Server Operators: Read, Read & Execute, List Folder Contents and
  • System: Full Control

For each file or folder that is located in the% SystemRoot% \ Winnt \ Sysvol \ Sysvol \ domain \ Policies

  • Check the Allow inheritable permissions from parent to propagate to this object check box

Sysvol share permissions:

  • Administrators: Full Control
  • Authenticated Users: Full Control
  • Everyone: Read


MSExchange ADAccess 2114

In a recent project, I experienced a problem (at least by the messages on the Installation Wizard on eSales and Viewer - see image below).. This problem occurred (at least in my case) the installation of the Hub-Transport. Below is the message displayed EventViewer ...

MSEXCHANGEADTOPOLOGYSERVICE.EXE Process (PID = 1256). Topology discovery failed, error 0x80040a02 (DSC_E_NO_SUITABLE_CDC). Look up the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) error code specified in the event description. To this, use Microsoft Knowledge Base article 218185, "Microsoft LDAP Error Codes." Use the information in That article to learn more about the cause and resolution to this error. Use the Ping or PathPing command-line tools to test network connectivity to local domain controllers.

... Such an error occurs in Exchange Server 2007.2010. The resolution is put to the same Exchange server account in the Domain Admin group. After inclusion of the server group, restart the server and reinstall Exchange (if the problem has been presented in time of installation.).

Also spent a similar problem with Exchange Server 2003 ... in this case, the situation was regarding the deletion of an account of the Exchange server object AD.A restoration was carried out via ADRESTORE and even after inclusion of the restored object in the security groups required for Exchange Server Exchange services failed to initialize ....

Appears in the Event Viewer event ID 2114 MSExchange DSAccess.

In this case, I performed the following procedures:

  1. After the deletion of the object, restore the same with ADRESTORE;
  2. Add in the server security groups required (in some cases, these steps alone are enough to return to normal services);
  3. Remove the network cable from the Exchange server;
  4. Place the Exchange server in Workgroup and restart the server, without attaching the network cable;
  5. In AD, reset the account of the Exchange server;
  6. Plug the cable into the Exchange server and put it back in the field;
  7. Restart the server;

After these procedures, the services back to work!

Another very common procedure for troubleshooting permissions on an Exchange organization, and runs the setup / domainprep command again in DC.

Hope that helps!

Memory Limits for Windows Releases

The following documentation regarding the limit of physical memory for Windows versions: (v = VS.85). aspx

Wallpaper does not load in Windows 7 via GPO

A known bug in Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 is for the loading of the wallpaper, when it is configured via GPO.

To solve the problem, we can take the following actions:

  • Enter the machine's registry ( )
  • Navigate to the following key:
    • HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Control Panel \ Desktop
  • Find the REG_SZ value called Wallpaper
  • Change the value with the path where the wallpaper is shared.


You can download a fix that will make the change:

If necessary change on multiple workstations, we can effect such change through thePreferences via GPO. As the image below:


If your domain is Windows Server 2003 and either does not support the Preferences feature, you need the distribution via script to make the change key in the registry.

The following example:

Const HKEY_CURRENT_USER = & H80000001

strComputer = "."
Set oReg = GetObject ("winmgmts: {ImpersonationLevel = impersonate}! \ \" & _
strComputer & "\ root \ default: StdRegProv")
strKeyPath = "Control Panel \ Desktop"
strValueName = "Wallpaper"
strValue = "\ \ server \ share \ wallpaper.jpg"
oReg.SetStringValue HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, strKeyPath, strValueName, strValue

Some external DNS servers


Level 3 Communications (Broomfield, CO, U.S.)

Verizon (Reston, VA, U.S.)

GTE (Irving, TX, U.S.)

One Connect IP (Albuquerque, NM, U.S.)

OpenDNS (San Francisco, CA, U.S.)

Exetel (Sydney, AU)

VRX Network Services (New York, NY, U.S.)

SpeakEasy (Seattle, WA, U.S.)

SprintLink (Overland Park, KS, U.S.)

Cisco (San Jose, CA, U.S.)

OpenNIC (au) (u) (of) (of) (nz) (uk) (us) (us)
2001:470:8388:10:0:100:53:20 (us)
2001:470:1 f10: c6: 2 (us)

Resolve NetBIOS names to VPN

After questioning several times regarding this topic of NetBIOS name resolution when connected to a VPN Server and ISA or TMG, I decided to stop being bum and post the settings needed to solve this problema.Na fact, it is a simple single configuration!

The nature of the problem is as follows:

When connected to the VPN, you can just drop the equipment on the internal network via the IP address and the FQDN of the machine (eg server.domain.local) is not possible to resolve NetBIOS names of the form (eg server). For this to happen, we must make the following configuration on the VPN client connection:

In the Connection Properties, click the tab and then the NETWORKING PROPERTIES TCP/IPv4 protocol. ... Click on the ADVANCED tab and DNS. Check the option DNS suffix for this connection, the DNS domain suffix, as in the image below!


Libraries and removes the Control Panel icon from the desktop


This tip can be useful when we set a very restrictive policy in Windows 7 ... .. when we forced the classic theme, the system includes a shortcut on the desktop shell of theLibraries folder and Control Panel. Via GPO until you remove the shortcuts, but it is also remove any link placed on the desktop, even if it is created via logon script ...

The method I found to solve this hurdle, it was deleting the following registry keys:

Remove icon library:

Remove icon in Control Panel:

For those who need to do a VBS for this ... ... follows:

Const HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = & H80000002
strComputer = "."
on error resume next
Set oReg = GetObject ("winmgmts: {ImpersonationLevel = impersonate}! \ \" & _
strComputer & "\ root \ default: StdRegProv")
strKeyPath =
strKeyPath =
strKeyPath =
oReg.DeleteKey HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, strKeyPath

I hope it's useful!

Description of the status codes of Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) 5. 0 and 6.0

Follow the link for error codes displayed by IIS:

Preview of Windows 8

Follow the link prior official Microsoft Windows 8! .... One to study more ...

Migrate Server Roles to Windows Server 2008 R2

Below is a URL that I think is very interesting, especially for computer consultants, where deployments and migrations are part of the day is dia.Trata tutorials migration of server roles in Windows Server 2003 and Windows Server 2008 to Windows Server 2008 R2. (WS.10). aspx

Errors related to disk partitioning during deploy Windows 7 images using SCCM 2007 / 2010 MDT

Follow the link for possible errors in the TS partitioning disks, and their possible causes and resolutions:

An error occurred while retrieving policy for this computer (0×80004005). For more information, please contact your system administrator or helpdesk operator.

Follow link for the solution of the following error message: "An error occurred while retrieving policy for this computer (0 × 80004005). For more information, please contact your system administrator or helpdesk operator. "Error occurs during the execution of the OSD TS. ... The reason is some disagreement in the digital certificates used by the image and PXE Boot ... following link:×80004005.aspx

List of Log Files in Configuration Manager 2007

The following link describing the function of all the logs of SCCM ...

... Very important for solving problems!

Failed to download prerequisite components


Who has not suffered from slow link?!?

A slow link can result in a significant hassle when it comes to installing SCCM.

Just before the actual installation, the Setup downloads the updated files to the installation ... a slow link can cause the following error message in the act of downloading"Failed to download prerequisite components". ... A few causes for this error are:

  • Slow link
  • Proxy Configuration
  • Setting IE security
  • Firewall
  • The path pointed to store these updates.Sempre choose a simple path like C: \ SCCMor C: \ UPDATES ... paths like C: \ SCCM UPDATES or C: \ FOLDER UPDATES OF SCCM, etc.. may not work.

The most annoying is undoubtedly that of the slow link. ... To solve this problem manually download the file ... but how? Remembering that these files are different for SCCM SCCM SP1 to SP2, etc ... and no use trying to cheat by copying the ConfigMgr . manifest from one to the other, because then the installation gives error ... hash. can trust, I've tried! rss

Generally the problem occurs from the 4th file, which is the WindowsUpdateAgent30-x86, which is followed WindowsUpdateAgent30-x64 and ia64-WindowsUpdateAgent30.

This is because these files are larger, so victims of the time-out.

To download these files manually, or other file which might have an error during the download process, open the file C: \ ConfigMgrSetup.log and check the url, as in the example below:

 8-2011 00:18:02>  Windows2000-KB842773-x86-chs.exe <03-18-2011 00:18:04> checking if there's an explicit proxy server.  <03-18-2011 00:18:04> Using IE proxy explicit information.  <03-18-2011 00:18:09> WinHttpQueryHeaders () in Download () returned OK <03-18-2011 00:18:09> Verifying hash for file 'C: \ up1 \ Windows2000-KB842773-x86-CHS . EXE '<03-18-2011 00:18:09> Verifying signature for file' C: \ up1 \ Windows2000-KB842773-x86-chs.exe '<03-18-2011 00:18:09>  Windows2000-KB842773-x86-cht.exe <03-18-2011 00:18:12> checking if there's an explicit proxy server.  <03-18-2011 00:18:12> Using IE proxy explicit information.  <03-18-2011 00:18:17> WinHttpQueryHeaders () in Download () returned OK <03-18-2011 00:18:17> Verifying hash for file 'C: \ up1 \ Windows2000-KB842773-x86-CHT . EXE '<03-18-2011 00:18:17> Verifying signature for file' C: \ up1 \ Windows2000-KB842773-x86-cht.exe '<03-18-2011 00:18:17>  Windows2000-KB842773-x86-csy.exe <03-18-2011 00:18:19> checking if there's an explicit proxy server.  <03-18-2011 00:18:19> Using IE proxy explicit information. 

... To help a bit ... this post has a lot of links

I hope it's useful!