Saturday, November 20, 2010

VHD for study of SCCM 2007 R2


Here's a link to download the virtual machine with SCCM 2007 R2 VHD to study this originally serves for Virtual PC and virtual Server … originally! RSS ...

Microsoft certification – where to start?


I'm starting with this article, a series of articles concerning Percebí that Microsoft certifications. many professionals mainly beginners, has many doubts regarding the path should follow and what to do to move forward in their careers. one of these paths is the specialization in technologies that chose to act and the main way of proving this specialization is through certification.

The first step is to decide which branch you want to act, whether in infrastructure, database, development, etc… and once chosen this "branch", we need to decide what "inside" of each we specialize. Example: assuming you chose infrastructure, covering below we do it.this (Exchange. OCS, etc.), security (firewalls, etc), platform (operating system, etc.), hardware, connectivity, directory services, etc…

Just opting for a specific product or area and often by a personal inclination or even accidentally (through some activity imposed at work or project, etc).

Choice made, the next step is to map the way forward for specialization in technology concerned; We can get this study finding out what is the maximum level of specialization in product and/or technology that can be obtained, then we should start hitting their prerequisites!

Regards certifications, we must remember that it serves as a kind of proof that the manufacturer of its specialization in some product or technology; no certification or course (official or not) replaces the experience in real situations. However experience without technique also is not indicated, because if "harvesting" much to perform procedures and often creating "Addictions" not knowing the best practices and concepts for the tools. therefore, we must seek a balance between the study and practice!

As a Microsoft trainer, I am always asked for which the student must follow path for certification …. What proof should I do first? I specialize in client or server? I have to take the certification of your old product and migrate to certification of new or already begin at new? … The answers to such questions may vary according to the profile and or the day to day professional. If a professional working in a company where has the same has a career plan and the company has an old product deployed in large scale in the environment, I believe that the best immediate career and need professional is currently specialise in the product you are working and then migrate to the new. Already for a professional consultancy believe to be more interesting to invest in new products, since consultants often are searched based on their knowledge in the novelties of the market there are professionals who want to specialize in support, so we specialize in systems customers … others want to be network administrators then specialize in server systems … etc.

I have an article on the Microsoft careers might help:

Any doubt, sit in the provision for help! I think would be more cool post doubt shaped comment, because your questions may also be questions from other people.

I hope it is useful!

Techniques for troubleshooting


During all these years, which I am directly involved with environments and technology professionals, either within a classroom or in day to day work I realize some confusion on the part of analysts infrastructure for troubleshooting problems. don't believe a master in the matter concerned, despite being one of the bases of my work as a consultant; but realize that this deficiency is related to lack of vision on troubleshooting flow …. i.e. the analyst does not know where to begin and for this reason often ignores critical steps in the process of troubleshooting, logging procedures aimlessly and without needs, often causing other problems beyond those already mapped.

The resolution of problems in production environments is critical for the downtime of the service and or resources (such as applications, asset management, users, etc.), directly impacting on business. for this reason, the analyst should solve a problem more quickly and effectively, preventing a considerable impact on the productivity of users ' activities. Nowadays many companies invest in monitoring products, methodologies, processes, specialized training of professionals, as well as other various devices so that this impact is reduced and or non-existent.

A vital concept for troubleshooting is the concept of incident and problem, so commonly ITIL discussed and other methodologies. this concept consists primarily define incident as an isolated fact, something not widespread and or recurring (ex: A user has opened a call for a configuration problem on your Outlook) and problem relates to something widespread and or applicant (ex: Multiple users open called for the same problem in their Outlook's or a user always the same error reporting). So let's get straight to the point! …

1. Investigating the occurrence. is paramount raising information concerning problem, classic questions as: what time the problem occurred? what has changed on your computer and or the environment just before this period that could have caused the error (an installation and software update, or change any configuration of system or network, etc.)? … Anyway, gather as much information as possible; When we are "by interrogating" a user, it is essential to communicate with the same with terms that are understood by him, because technical terms will only confuse the user stopping us from getting the information you need.

2. Checking the breadth of the error. at this point we can verify that this is an incident or a problem, if customer is an error, network or server must check if the error occurs with a single user, if it occurs with a set of users (if it occurs with more than one user, check out what these resources has in common … is an application, VLAN group or switches, OR in ad, etc) or is referring to an application or service specific network So we can evaluate. on that point and how we will act to resolve the error.

3. technical survey of the error. In this step, we will search the messages and characteristics of the error in question (error POPUPS, log's application concerned, system logs, etc.), as well as the impact generated. This is important for "away scot-free" this information with information collected previously and in conjunction with data spanning problem. the product of this information is essential for a correct search incident resolution and or problem (e.g. Outlook user is presenting the XYZ error but this error may be due to a setting Outlook and failure or server in the Organization, etc…). We currently use diagnostic tools provided by the manufacturer and or third parties.

4. application of the solution. Good, we come to a crucial point for resolving a problem, the application of the solution before the resolution itself a problem and or incident, we verify some important points:

a. what impact the implementation of the solution. It is essential the mapping of the impact on the application of possible solutions to the problem or incident; some of them may entail on reboot a server backup, restore, rewriting some parameter of an application and or network service, change the permissions of a user, etc. the mapping is important for us to organise for when we will be able to apply the solution (ex: a solution that involves a boot server in production may result in their implementation outside of business hours). we must expect to correct an error, when the correction process impact at the moment is greater than the impact of the error.

b. which solution to implement. Depending on the issue in question, we can count on more than one solution (some of them definitive and other palliative). But there is always the best solution to be applied; Depending on your situation, we are forced to run a stopgap solution or simply a solution that is not the best. This must be assessed in light of the impact of each solution X urgency (SLA) for the resolution of the problem. However, if it is not possible to apply the best solution at the time, you should schedule the application to which a workaround does not become a definitive solution.

c. how to apply the solution. The process of implementing a solution is very important. implementation of the solution must be clean and without errors; the most suitable is searching for a step-by-step (preferably of manufacturer of the active application or solution with error) without errors at the time of the execution process. it would be interesting depending on the criticality of the environment, test the fix in an environment of approval before applying the same production. shouldn't be generalists in order to simplify the application (e.g. the documentation says that to solve a problem the user needs a specific permission on A FILE and to "simplify" you just assigning permission to ENTIRE FOLDER), with this we can significantly increase the impact caused by application of the fix, and cause problems related to security settings, best practices, etc.

5. verification of the results. After applying the fix, we should check the following points:

a. If symptoms of the problem or incident disappeared. We can verify the disappearance of the symptoms of the error by checking event logs (application, system, etc.), no incidence of error popups, resource utilization that before not worked, etc.

b. monitoring solution. Verify that there is a recurrence of error after applying the solution, check the performance of the application and solution, or service that was showing errors and feedback from users and analysts involved.

Described above some basic points that should be followed to resolve problems and incidents to be in our work and clients or course each situation can present quite particular and that solving contains several strands as disaster recovery, contingency, etc… but the development of these activities must be performed in an organized way, safe and aligned with a good technical background about the technologies involved.

Official Microsoft Team Blogs

Here's a link to all Microsoft Team Blogs .... both infrastructure and dev.
There you guys ask me …. Zamboni, what do I do with it??? ….
…. Adds RSS in your Outlook that a day will save your life! rss
Here's a link:

Checklist for installation of SCCM 2007/SP1

Below, link of items that are checked in the installation process of SCCM 2007/SP1: (en-us) .aspx

Very useful!

Microsoft certification – Dumps

A save everyone!!!

In this article I discuss a subject at least controversial … dumps ...

The DUMPS are simulated that contains simply the same questions of proof! that's right!! I don't know how to make the "Pilantras" to copy the questions of evidence, but they do and post in files of various formats and sizes …

There are some DUMPS famous nowadays as the TESTKING, PASS4SURE, BRAINDUMPS, etc… some containing over 400 questions and all containing errors!!

The big problem is not open to disclosure of this garbage on the Internet, and yes the large-scale use of same by "professionals" of technology. what happens:

  1. Our friend "professional" technology, knowing the importance that certification has on a selection process on the market; Download the DUMPS, decorates all or most of the questions and goes to the evidence.
  2. Arriving at our "professional" is a 3-hour exam in 15 minutes and takes 1000 (maximum note) or close!! Wow!!! The kra is really fera!!! … So our friend manages several certifications in record time!
  3. Pleased with the great achievement, our "expert certificate" presents itself to the labour market with an enviable range of certifications and therefore even manages to cheat in some interviews, achieving a vague outline.
  4. But the smart forgets that his knowledge (attested by certificates) will be charged and the same thanks to show service! .... and here we??? A total fiasco!! The fantastic "sovereign of certifications" does not dominate nor most basic concepts of products and technologies which is certificate. Result: the professional falls into disrepute and along with it certification. with that professional profile being discredited by the employer, a professional who studied, courses, research, and has proven its effort and knowledge passing on evidence; will be viewed with distrust and disrepute.

I know many "professionals of TK (Testking)" some with dozens of certifications, mas na hora de a migration, a disaster recovery or is, at the time of "Let's see" cannot solve NOTHING! some of these professionals are ministering in classroom trainings (looks that danger!) and some even disseminating the dumps as something cool!!

Always I am asked by students about dumps … some attempt to justify the use of DUMPS for having the explanation regarding answers the question, by not exist exams serious free, etc. Good, dumps often contains the wrong answers and explanations; or If search-mos will find several best simulated serious, we have some even free on sites like the MCP Brazil and nobody is silly not to know that we have to download everything on the Internet.

Using DUMPS you are fooling themselves! Usually give my students an example of a man who simply puts a black belt at the waist and going to the gym … for all who see it is unquestionably a black belt, but and "time of shitload"? what grace having X certifications and don't know about what is Personal certificate? cease to cheat and study, invest in their careers with courses, internships, research, etc ... the important thing is to have a solid understanding and always get the same or, in the "time of shitload" you will make beautiful!!

Soon I'll post an article about some techniques to study the evidence.

Supported configurations for Operations Manager 2007 R2

Follows link concerning settings supported by SCOM 2007 R2 as:

  • Hardware requirements
  • Software requirements
  • Ports used
  • Firewall stack trace
  • Cluster
  • Performance
  • Other

Videos SCOM


I'm posting link to downloads videos from master Cleber Marques for SCOM:

Download Management Packs

Follows link Catalog Management Pack's Microsoft …

Setup was unable to create unknown machines. 0×80070003


I'm posting the solution (at least in my case! Rss) error of installation of SCCM 2007 R2 on a Windows Server 2008 with SQL 2005 SP2

The error displays the following message when installing R2:

"Setup was unable to create unknown machines. 0×80070003″

In my case, I found the solution to this problem was to manually create the directories "auth \" into the directory "imbox" as shown in the image below:

I hope it's useful!