Sunday, June 27, 2010

GPO Search

Ladies and gentlemen!

I've been googling and found a very cool application provided by our Windows Azure … it is a website where we can search GPO and registry settings!! Pretty cool, what's more we have provider for IE 7 and 8.

Quick video showing the Following uses of the site ...


RPC integrity checking for DNS requests in Windows Server 2008 R2


Staff, a new security feature of Windows Server 2008 R2 must take our attention, which is the RPC integrity checking for DNS requests. This feature is not supported on Windows 2000 DNS and Windows Server 2003.

Because of this verification, in a mixed environment and migration where we will have the coexistence of servers and workstations running legacy systems, it may be necessary for disable this feature because it can cause failure in the external name resolution in DNS clients running Windows Server 2003, 2000 and XP do not have problems on clients running Windows 7.

Unfortunately discovered feature in the worst way (during a migration process, experiencing the symptoms mentioned above) and not by study … so I'm posting it because it is a resource which we have a few references and believe to be useful! below is the command to disable the security feature:

Dnscmd.exe /Config /RpcAuthLevel 0

…. to activate the feature, just change-mos value from 0 to 1 … as shown.

Dnscmd.exe /Config /RpcAuthLevel 1

For us to verify the current status of the configuration, we can use the parameter /info:

Dnscmd.exe /info /RpcAuthLevel

I hope it's useful!